项目(s): B.S.
你喜欢所有与科学有关的东西吗? 主修… 生物学 重点是 生物医学科学 is broad enough for you to pursue several career paths. If you already know what you want to specialize in, you're in luck! 继续阅读以了解您的选择.
We believe students should be able to tailor their education to their specific interests. 这就是和记棋牌娱乐提供服务的原因 specializations 在前脊椎疗法中, pre-dentistry, 预科, pre-optometry, 医师助理预科和兽医预科课程.
You may be wondering what you'll learn in this 程序. 三个重点领域包括 人体解剖学, the positioning, structure and function of bones, muscles and organs within the human body; 人类生理, the study of the interrelationship between organs and organ systems; and other 基本面 物理和生命科学.
You'll also have access to top-notch resources and support along the way. 西北的获奖 院长李. 哈伯德创新中心 有超过 300万美元 invested in state-of-the-art lab equipment that you'll use regularly. 你在化学课